Workforce Strategy and Planning

General Practice Workforce Investment

Over 90% of all patient contact occurs within primary care (Deloitte 2012, p.4) and national policy is directing an emphasis on moving care closer tohome to improve patient experiences and reduce cost to the overall system. The NHS Five Year Forward View (2014) indicates that the foundationof the NHS should remain as list-based primary care (where GPs are contracted to service patient lists where the patients are registered) via a range of service models, with a stronger role in prevention and condition management.

Trust pioneers new apprenticeship scheme

Healthcare Science Apprenticeships The scheme created by Health Education Yorkshire and the Humber to develop a new training route for Bands 2 - 4 in Healthcare Science. Apprentice medical laboratory assistants, Rachel Taylor and Nathan Baldwin, work for laboratory medicine while Amy Bond and Amy Martin have been assigned to both Neurophysiology and Cardio-Respiratory in a brand new apprenticeship role.

Real Life Learning - A Practice Based Learning Support Programme for Student Nurses

Recently tariff monies have been released with the intention of maintaining existing standards of learning environments (Tariff clarification letter, Health Education Yorkshire and the Humber July 2013) for pre-registration nursing students. This presents Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust with an opportunity to build on and develop current good practice initiatives as well as introduce innovative strategies to support and facilitate the learning of student nurses.
