Workforce Strategy and Planning

Health Education North West - Workforce Planning Round 2015-2016

Thank you for visiting this webpage.  It will be updated periodically from April 2015 onwards with relevant information to aid you in compiling your workforce plan submissions to HENW; as part of the Workforce Planning Cycle 2015/16 - for Commissions starting in 2017.In March 2015, Health Education North West (HENW) published it's 2014/15 Workforce Strategy and Plan (for commissions starting in 2016).

Guidance Documentation: Health Education North West - Workforce Planning Round 2015-2016

Thank You to those NHS Trusts who submitted intial data for (via the eWorkforce Portal Tool) on Tuesday 30th June 2015 - this will inform an initial direction of travel for the North West.  The next step of the process is "Confirm and Challenge" and the documents on this page have been updated to provide guidance/hints and tips to ensure the submissions are of a high quality.Final deadline for completed / sign-off submission - Friday 17th July 2015Please see the attachments on the Right Hand Side of this page for guidance documentation for the 2015/16 Workforce Planning Round

HEE Workforce Planning Guidance 2015/16

Workforce planning is about ensuring that the NHS has the people we need when we need them. With over 1000 different employers across the private, public and voluntary sectors employing 1.4m people in over 300 different types of jobs, workforce planning cannot be the sole responsibility of individual organisations.Download Workforce planning guidance 2015/16 from Health Education England.

WRaPT Update

WRaPT supports and enables workforce redesign – way through when you’ve already made decisions. You can undertake impact assessments of your change on the approach to the size, shape and cost of the modelled workforce required WRaPT can hold and model workforce data from an economy enabling for the first time an ability to workforce that serves your patients.

Developing Resilience in the Workforce: A Health Visiting Framework Guide

This document presents a Resilience Framework to help organisations support their health visitors and foster their resilience in the workplace.The purpose of this framework is to continue to develop, support and retain resilient, compassionate health visitors thereby improving health outcomes and experiences for children and families.This Resilience Framework is an innovative toolkit which can be applied to other professions and at organisational, team and individual level and to other professional groups.

Skill Mix: Re-profiling the North West Workforce

The financial constraints brought about by the current economic environment will mean continuing growth in demand for NHS services; this will need to be met through reduced resources available in the financial budget - “Doing more with Less”. This paper summarises the workforce metric ‘Grade Mix’ within the benchmarking service on the eWIN portal and the use of this metric. The Grade Mix tool is a key resource for organisations to help plan and model future workforce configurations and calculate potential cost savings.


InLAWS stands for Integrated Local Area Workforce Strategies. It is a Skills for Care and ADASS (Association of Directors of Adult Social Services) project established in 2009 with support from the Department of Health (DH) and other delivery partners.
