Workforce Strategy and Planning

Delivering the Health Visitor Implementation Plan 2011-2015: A Call to Action

Twelve months have passed since the Health Visitor Implementation Plan 2011 – 15 “A Call to Action”, was launched by the Department of Health.Since then, organisations in the North West have experienced significant changes to the way they work, seeing Health Visiting services transferring, PCT clusters forming and addressing population and workforce issues, all whilst maintaining the day job.

Development of a Trust-wide Workforce Information Dashboard

The North West Ambulance Service (NWAS) has recently developed a single monthly workforce information dashboard, both at Trust level and for each service line, to enable the effective use of workforce information across the Trust.  This dashboard was developed in response to internal audit reports, which identified that improvements were required across the Trust for the reporting of performance metrics, of which workforce information was one element. 

Developing an HR Shared Service Organisation in the NHS

Cheshire HR Service, founded in 2006, provides a blueprint for NHS HR shared services. Hosted by East Cheshire NHS Trust it provides the full range of HR services through a Service Level Agreement (SLA) Partnership Arrangement, to East Cheshire NHS Trust, Central and Eastern Cheshire PCT and NHS Western Cheshire and is currently looking to extend its coverage and build a broader customer base. With no obligation on NHS organizations to go down the shared service route there is a need to ensure value for money and the economies of scale that a shared service brings.   

North West AHP Workforce and Education Report

The North West (NW) Allied Health Professions (AHP) Workforce and Education Report provides a comprehensive profile of the current (2012) regional AHP workforce, and identifies workforce risks and opportunities for this professional group in the future.The NW AHP Workforce Board is a strategic group focusing on a broad range of issues to support the AHP workforce. The Board provides strategic leadership and influence, working in partnership with key stakeholders at a national and local level.

Workforce Development Funding Update

The Workforce Development Fund (WDF) is a funding stream from the Department of Health disseminated by Skills for Care. It focuses on the achievement of qualification units and supports the ongoing professional development of staffacross the adult social care sector.For employers, accessing WDF significantly contributes towards the costs of workers’ completing units and qualifications on the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF). It can also be used to help fund the delivery of intermediate and advanced level Apprenticeships in social care.
