
Transforming Learning Environments Contact Details

This page includes contact details for:

The North West has a very successful history and well developed networks for delivering high quality workplace-based education experiences through its educational networks which are the Practice Education Facilitators (PEFs), Work Based Education Facilitators (WBEFs), Placement Development Network and the Skills for Health Academy North West, the functions of which are briefly summarised below.

STEMTECH Careers Event

The careers event was held to showcase career opportunities in Science Technology Engineering and Maths (STEM subjects). The event provided an opportunity to showcase NHS careers in STEM subjects and in particular Apprenticeship opportunities that are being currently advertised in Pharmacy, Healthcare Science, the Ambulance service and Dental Nursing. Opportunities in all these disciplines will be advertised in the next few weeks and the majority of these Apprenticeships are planned to start September 2015.

Workforce for the Future: Portfolio Careers to Address Workforce Gaps

Welcome to this first edition of the stakeholder briefing for this project.This edition will introduce the project and the project team, and will be followed bi-monthly with an update on progress.This project is a piece of research to find ways of creating portfolio careers across the Lancashire health and social care economy that will help us to address existing and predicted workforce gaps.We want to encourage people to positively choose this area to work in, offer interesting and imaginative opportunities for staff and to provide the support needed to retain skills and capability locally

North West Healthcare Science Trainee Network Board (NW HCS TNB) resources

The North West Healthcare Science Trainee Network Board (NW HCS TNB) was set up in the summer of 2013 by Helen Liggett (Northwest Healthcare Science Workforce Lead), Nick Fowler-Johnson (North West Modernising Scientific Careers Programme Lead) and Tiffany Daniels (STP Trainee in Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics) to develop the trainee arm of the North West Healthcare Science Network (https://www.nwcpwd.nhs.uk/nwphpn/nwphpn-groups/2-uncategorised/31-north-w
