Tools & Resources

In-house Training Courses for Healthcare Assistants

In early 2012 Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (LTHTr) implemented a project to improve the interface between student nurses and healthcare assistants (HCAs).The Clinical Education Team at the trust developed two new courses for HCAs working at Bands 2 and 3 to enhance their knowledge and skills base, and Practice Education Facilitators (PEFs) attend each course for an hour to outline what student nurses are required to learn as part of their pre-registration nursing programme.

Health Education North West’s Apprenticeship Promise Celebration Event

To coincide with the first anniversary of the launch of Health Education North West’s Apprenticeship Promise a celebration event was held on 13th March at the Reebok Stadium, Bolton.Sir Keith Pearson (Chair, Health Education England) and Sally Cheshire (Chair, Health Education North West) were joined by apprentices and NHS trust representatives from across the region along with strategic partners, to celebrate the region’s achievements since last year’s launch. This document provides an overview of that event. 

Health Education North West - The North West Local Education and Training Board

Local Education and Training Boards (LETBs) are part of the new education and training architecture, first introduced in Liberating the NHS: Developing the healthcare workforce - From design to delivery.The North West Local Education and Training Board, known as Health Education North West, is a collaboration between healthcare organisations and other partners in the region to ensure that they develop a highly skilled workforce capable of meeting the needs of patients today and in the future. Health Education North West will work through devolved arrangements with three Local Workforce and

International Healthcare - Volunteering for Individuals and Healthcare Organisations

Some organisations and individuals in the NHS already offer their support to health systems in developing countries.Through this work we can play our part in improving health globally while developing leadership and other skills in the NHS and further building and sustaining international networks. This is not just for clinical professionals but also can include none clinical staff (IT, HR and Medical Records staff) and healthcare managers.This Hot Topic describes how individuals and organisations can get involved in international healthcare projects.

NHS International Conference - Recruiting for the Values of the NHS

This international conference, chaired by Michelle Beecroft from Stockport NHS Foundation Trust, was designed to inform delegates of some of the challenges healthcare providers face around embedding key values, exploring the approaches used in America, New Zealand and Australia over the last 20 years to overcome such challenges. Furthermore consideration was given to the tools currently in use or in development within the UK.

Keynote Presentations:

e-PAIGE: Web-based Resource for End of Life Care

e-PAIGE is an Electronic Prognostic Assessment and Information Guide for End of Life Care (EoLC). This web-based resource was developed by Central & Eastern Cheshire’s End of Life Service Model team to support health and social care professionals deliver care to patients at the end of their lives. It was launched in January 2013, and has already been adopted by many organisations across Central and Eastern Cheshire, including those in the voluntary sector. It will be rolled out to all care homes in the area from March 2013 onwards.

Real Life Learning - A Practice Based Learning Support Programme for Student Nurses

Recently tariff monies have been released with the intention of maintaining existing standards of learning environments (Tariff clarification letter, Health Education Yorkshire and the Humber July 2013) for pre-registration nursing students. This presents Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust with an opportunity to build on and develop current good practice initiatives as well as introduce innovative strategies to support and facilitate the learning of student nurses.

Social Enterprises in the North West

According to the Social Enterprise organisation, a social enterprise is “a business that trades for a social and/or environmental purpose. It will have a clear sense of its ‘social mission’: which means it will know what difference it is trying to make, who it aims to help, and how it plans to do it. It will bring in most or all of its income through selling goods or services.

Managing Sickness Absence - A Holistic Approach

St Helens and Knowsley Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust is an acute hospital Trust employing around 7,000 staff, which includes 2,500 doctors in training under the Single Lead Employer contract for the Mersey Deanery. Following the review of the Occupational Health Service, the HR Advisory Service, the Attendance Management Policy and the role of the line manager in reducing sickness absence, the Trust has taken a holistic approach and reduced absence by over 1% in a 12 month period.
