North West Junior Doctor Advisory Team (JDAT)
The North West Junior Doctor Advisory Team (JDAT) is a successor body to the local regional action team formed to implement a new junior doctor contract (the New Deal) in 1991. This team consists of two junior doctors from different backgrounds and at different stages in their careers, plus a project officer.The JDAT provides independent guidance and oversight for matters such as New Deal issues and is the point of contact within the NHS North West for Junior Doctors who need help and advice about their rotas and working conditions. As doctors themselves, the team is in a unique position to give advice to Trusts and to the Strategic Health Authority (NHS North West) by whom they are employed, regarding the day-to-day workings and concerns of junior doctors. The JDAT continues to fulfil an important role in an advisory capacity and in the proactive prevention of working conditions that would be detrimental to doctors’ health and result in costly claims against Trusts