Health & Social Care

Looking After Me, Looking After You

Looking After Me Looking After You (LAMLAY) was a pilot study launched by Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust in 2012 to explore whether using Cognitive Behavioural Techniques (CBT) and Imagery work could improve staff health and wellbeing.In developing the Trust’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy, it was determined that there was a need for a bespoke intervention to improve the mental wellbeing of staff and to reduce stress, which had been identified as a common cause of absence. Thus the Trust’s health and well-being strategy was the main driver in developing this work.

Get Into Healthcare, NAViGO and TUKES

Introducing Dominic Davis-Eaton’s own story of his personal experiences as he came through the Get into Healthcare programme in Grimsby with NAViGO and Tukes. Reading the account of his journey is inspiring and demonstrates a positive turnaround in a young person’s life. How he battled against his mental health issues at a young age and came through the other side is a shining example of determination and self- belief.

e-PAIGE: Web-based Resource for End of Life Care

e-PAIGE is an Electronic Prognostic Assessment and Information Guide for End of Life Care (EoLC). This web-based resource was developed by Central & Eastern Cheshire’s End of Life Service Model team to support health and social care professionals deliver care to patients at the end of their lives. It was launched in January 2013, and has already been adopted by many organisations across Central and Eastern Cheshire, including those in the voluntary sector. It will be rolled out to all care homes in the area from March 2013 onwards.
