Strategic Approach to Inter-professional Learning in Stockport
Stockport NHS Foundation Trust has developed a strategic approach to inter-professional learning (IPL) in practice. Work initially began in 2007, when the Trust was invited to be a pilot site for Manchester Metropolitan University’s 'IPL Champions' Group'. A 'champions' model approach was implemented at Stockport, with a clear structure of champions identified at different levels within the organisation. In 2008, the Trust established the 'Stockport IPL Champion's Forum'.This is a partnership between Stockport FT, Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU), Pennine Care NHS Trust and Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council (SMBC) and brings together IPL champions from all disciplines within both the acute and community services. The IPL champions promote and cascade all relevant information to their local teams. The IPL forum is held three times a year and plays a significant role in the Trust’s strategy to develop a more co-ordinated approach to IPL in practice.