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Cheshire and Merseyside Forerunner Bid

Health Education North West has been able to set aside £1m for each local workforce and education group to develop local programmes that support transformational and developmental projects within their respective area. For the Cheshire & Merseyside LWEG (C&M LWEG) the decision was made to spend the allocated money on one proposal. This proposal introduces an ambitious initiative to support local and national agendas to work differently and deliver care closer to home.

Building Learning & Development Excellence

Building Learning & Development Excellence is the title given to a Competency Framework and Development Programme aimed at supporting Learning and Development (L&D) leaders to lead high performing L&D functions.The resource recognises the pivotal role of learning and development functions in enabling a workforce that is; fit for purpose, flexible to service and patient need, and aligned to the quality and productivity agenda.With over 203,000 staff working in patient health care across 41 NHS providers in the North West, the challenge to meet the range and scale of learning and

Applying a Knowledge Management Framework at This Time of NHS Transition

The Knowledge Management (KM) team within Connecting for Health (NHS CFH), is part of the Department of Health Informatics Directorate (DHID). This team has developed a Knowledge Transition Toolkit to support the NHS capture and share learning as it transitions to the future state.This toolkit supports business continuity, providing the means by which the NHS of the future can build on the experience and good practice of its predecessors.
