Transforming Learning Environments Contact Details
This page includes contact details for:
The North West has a very successful history and well developed networks for delivering high quality workplace-based education experiences through its educational networks which are the Practice Education Facilitators (PEFs), Work Based Education Facilitators (WBEFs), Placement Development Network and the Skills for Health Academy North West, the functions of which are briefly summarised below.
- Work Based Education Facilitators (supporting Assistant Practitioners)
- Placement Development Network
- Practice Education Facilitators
- Skills for Health Academy
The available learning infrastructures provide support mechanisms across learner groups ranging from young people undertaking entry vocational qualifications for a career in healthcare, through all undergraduates on professional training programmes to existing qualified members of the workforce undertaking higher level study to enable them to take on additional role responsibilities.
Placement Development Network
Manage the capacity and breadth of undergraduate clinical placements across NHS and non NHS organisations to meet student commissions and ensure the learning outcomes of curricula leading to registration are met. The Network is hosted at the UHSM Academy.
Practice Education Facilitators
Responsible for ensuring the provision of high quality multiprofessional learning environments within a defined Trust; working locally within services where interprofessional learning opportunities can be promoted, and supporting the breadth of the student experience across healthcare boundaries.
Skills for Health Academy
The Academy is responsible for the development, and through a partnership approach, the delivery of vocational learning programmes aimed at supporting young people (Cadets) and those on working age benefits (Pre-Employment) to secure employment and/or access to ongoing further/higher education. The Academy also supports the deployment of available funding for bands 1-4 staff in order to ensure improved patient care and more effective delivery of services.
Work Based Education Facilitators
Supporting Health & Social Care organisations with the development of Assistant Practitioners. Working across NW organisational boundaries in partnership with Foundation Degree providers to facilitate and promote multi-professional work based learning principally for Trainee Assistant Practitioners (TAPs), whilst supporting links to other enhanced roles for staff at levels 1-4 of the career framework. The WBEF Network is hosted at UHSM Academy.
Have you introduced a new role into your service in the last 9-12 months?
Would you like help evaluating the impact of the role?
The Work Based Education Facilitators Network can help. We have developed a tool to help managers systematically work through the introduction of new roles in their service and the potential impacts this has had. The WBEF network will work with you through the process and support you in using the tool.
It will require some commitment on your part in that you will need to gather the evidence to assess the effectiveness of the new role in your service area. This may require you to introduce data collection methods if you do not already have them
You will need to spend between 1-2 hours in total to fill in the tool and additional 1-2 hours as part of a semi structured interview with one of the WBEF team.