Education Transformation

Developing placements to support Pre-Registration Learning Disability Nurse students in Non NHS Organisations

The North West Placement Development Network (NWPDN) works in partnership with Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) and Practice Education Facilitators (PEFs) based in healthcare provider organisations to maximise the multi-professional utilisation of all placement areas across the NHS and non-NHS organisations.

Developing Psychiatrists as Medical Leaders

This programme is a pioneering project in Medical Leadership Development between Lancashire Care Foundation Trust (LCFT) and Lancaster University’s Centre of Excellence in Work-Based Learning, CETAD.In recognising the importance of developing all staff to meet the future needs of the organisation and its patient community, Lancashire Care Foundation Trust has identified the need to develop medical leadership in line with Trust values, and with the priority of delivering service transformation.Key to meeting the Trust’s strategic agenda is the enhancement of doctors’ ability to lead and mana

Placement Retention

Health Education England identifies the need to improve retention in commissioned pre-registration courses. Research locally and nationally indicates the importance of the placement experience in reducing attrition. The North West is home to a wide range of good practice in this area and this page hosts examples of some of the great work from both the HEI and service provider partners. 

Case studies in the series:

Increasing capacity in ODP

The development was led by Margaret Newsham, Placement Development Manager (PDM) and supported by Stephanie Purcell, team lead for the Cumbria and Lancashire team of NWPDN.  The team were tasked with increasing placements that met the learning outcomes of the student and the course curriculum.   These placements had to be of high quality with enough mentors to support the students. There was also the impact of capacity for other health students who needed to access placements in operating theatres.

Developing the NWPDN as a placement for Pre-registration learners

The North West Placement Development Network (NWPDN) in collaboration with University of Liverpool worked together to develop the NWPDN as a placement area.  This placement was developed in order to increase and expand learning opportunities for pre-registration healthcare learners to prepare them to be part of the future health care workforce.  This project initially explored the concept of providing a two week spoke placement for pre-registration nursing students in the 2nd or 3rd year of their degree programme.

Person Shaped Support and Primary Development – Brownlow Hill Medical Practice and Enhanced Training Practice

Placement Development between Primary Care and a Health & Social Care organisation• Primary Care Organisation – Brownlow Group Practice and Enhanced Training Practice• Multi Local Organisation –  Health and Social Care Organisation– Person Shaped Support (PSS)Brownlow Group Practice and Person Shaped Support (PSS) have worked in partnership with the North West Placement Development Network (NWPDN) to develop an increase in access to Primary Care placement opportunities.

NHS Corporate Citizenship and 'Inspiring young minds' : Blackpool

Altogether Now – a legacy for Blackpoolis a multi-agency crusade, delivered by three partners - NHS Blackpool, Blackpool FC and Blackpool Council, serving the Blackpool community of approx 142,000 residents. The forthcoming change in structures across the NHS will see Blackpool Clinical Commissioning Group and Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust superseding NHS Blackpool in the partnership.
